Airplane Etiquette Should Be Required For All Travellers

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What’s one of the biggest complaints everyone has when travelling? Other travelers. Someone is always doing something you do not appreciate or that is extremely rude to those around them. Things have gotten so bad there are websites dedicated to shaming those individuals and the gross things they do (Check out Passenger Shaming – you will be quite entertained!). Even after all of these disgusting and disturbing events, why hasn’t a mandatory travel and/or airplane etiquette training been implemented? Should we work towards some basic test that people need to pass before they are allowed to step foot on a plane?


Just think about the concept of traveling by plane. You have hundreds of people crammed into a small metal tube for several hours at a time. Space is extremely limited, especially with all the seat size and legroom reductions made by the airlines these days just to fit another couple of seats. The least you could is have some consideration for your neighbors. However, this is highly unlikely in our society today since everyone has a “me first ” attitude. Think about why there have been countless videos posted on YouTube of fights on planes, people complaining about the simplest of issues, and generally being frustrated with everything about air travel. Tensions are high, space is scarce, and people are incredibly selfish.

Have we become desensitized to this behavior so much that these actions don’t phase us anymore? Or are people just that inconsiderate and self centered? Probably the combination of both has added up to make for a miserable expectation when flying. Perhaps if people would take a step back and think about what they are doing or what they look like, then maybe they would they reconsider some of their gross actions (well… most likely not, since these behaviors might be ‘normal’ for some, but do you not realize you are in public people?!)?

Think about it… why would you put your disgusting feet on a tray table that people use to hold their meals? Why would you stick your feet up in the air like you’re at the gynecologist for all to see? People don’t want to look at that or experience that shit. 

And that TV screen in front of you? It’s a touch screen – Meaning a soft touch is all you will need. There are no physical buttons, so you do not need to tap the screen like you’re playing whack a mole. Seriously, there is someone’s head inches from the monitor you are smacking the shit out of, and I’m sure they would appreciate you refraining from giving them whiplash.

If we implement some basic ground rules when traveling, maybe people will start to wake up and realize how ridiculous they are being. All the airlines want is your money, so they won’t do anything to correct this. That’s why it’s up to us to do something about these savages! A simple training or online video or something that we can get to go viral might produce some benefit. However, in the end, I know this will probably never get corrected… but I at least hope people will learn to have some common decency! <end rant>

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